
It will be cold today.

It will be cold today.

This Monday, a drop in baric values ​​is forecast, as a result of colder air masses of northern origin. This will bring a change in the atmospheric situation in the country.

The morning hours will be presented with frequent alternations of clear skies and cloudiness, which will occasionally generate isolated rainfall in the southern areas and partially in the center.

During the afternoon hours and onwards, clouds will gradually disappear from the entire territory to give way to intervals of clear weather.

Air temperatures will drop again in the morning, but increase at noon, fluctuating daily values ​​from -3°C, the lowest value recorded in the city of Peshkopia, to 15°C, the maximum value in Durrës.

The wind will blow at an average speed of over 45 km/h from the North-Northeast direction, resulting in waves of up to force 3 on the coast.