
Rain and snow! What the weather is expected to be like during the day

Rain and snow! What the weather is expected to be like during the day

Today, the Albanian territory will once again be under the influence of unstable air masses, bringing cloudiness and rain and snowfall to most of the country, most pronounced in the northern and southern edges of the country.

It is expected that the noon hours and the following hours will remain under the influence of cloudiness and rainfall and snowfall throughout the country, but in small amounts.

Temperatures are expected to drop, bringing frost back to the roads.

Air temperatures will experience a decrease in both daily extreme values, fluctuating from -1°C, the minimum value recorded in the city of Puka, to 13°C, the highest value expected in the Durrës and Fier regions.

The wind will blow light and medium at speeds above 35 km/h mainly from the Northeast, this will cause waves above 2 feet to be created on the sea coasts.