Schools started in Berlin and 41 of them reported numerous cases of being infected! Debate for and against schools in Germany

Disciplined Germany, too, is in a confusing day. 16 cantons that are known to have different policies and different laws, are also affecting the pandemic and dealing with it. Someone puts on the mask someone does not. In some schools they have started and in some they are still on vacation. But where the two-week lesson began, dozens of cases were reported with teachers and students being infected.
Debates have started in Germany and experts or even politics is in favor of starting schools, regardless of the cost. It is better to stop stadiums and other parties and gatherings and not to interrupt teaching. But there is still no final decision and neither does Germany know what to do.
What will happen in Albania?
With the new school year? School or home? Online or at the bank? Pay to the private sector? Not paying yet? If I pay and the government decides to suspend it will the money be taken back?
There is still no answer to all this.
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* Source ABC News