Trouble over TikTok, two young people are injured in Durrës

The quarrel of some young people in Durrës has led to the use of weapons at night.
The event happened, around 01:15, in neighborhood no. 10.
Official sources from the police say that everything started after a fight on TikTok.
KM, 25 years old, fired a firearm, and as a result, citizens JV, 21 years old, and AH, 21 years old, both residents of neighborhood no. 12, Durres.
Both are out of danger.
Police Notification
Në orët e para të mëngjesit, rreth orës 01:15 minuta, në lagjen nr. 10, dyshohet se për shkak të një konflikti në rrjetin social TikTok, shtetasi K. M., 25 vjeç, ka qëlluar me armë zjarri, dhe si pasojë, janë dëmtuar lehtë shtetasit J. V., 21 vjeç, dhe A. H., 21 vjeç, të dy banues në lagjen nr. 12, Durrës.
Nga veprimet e para hetimore rezulton se autori i dyshuar, shtetasi K. M., rreth orës 22.30, të mbrëmjes së djeshme ka debatuar në telefon me shtetasin M. V, (kushuri i shtetasit J. V.) dhe i ka lënë takim për tu sqaruar në afërsi të banesës së shtetasit M. V.
Shtetasi M. V., pasi ka marrë kushëririn e tij shtetasin J. V., dhe shtetasin A. H., (shok i përbashkët i tyre) ka shkuar në vendin ku e kishin lënë për tu sqaruar me shtetasin K. M.
The latter has just seen that these citizens have approached, fired a firearm in the direction of the MV citizen's car, and left immediately.
As a result, citizen JV, who was discharged from the hospital after medical assistance, and citizen AH, who is currently receiving medical assistance and is out of danger, were slightly injured (suspected by a ricocheting bullet). The investigative group in cooperation with the Prosecutor's Office is continuing the work to fully document the circumstances of the event. In the meantime, police services have set up checkpoints on road axes, border crossing points have been notified, and checks are being carried out in apartments and premises where it is suspected that the 25-year-old may be hiding in order to capture him.