The son is accused of the murder two weeks ago in the headquarters, the policeman father is suspended from duty

2023-01-03 13:55:10
The police have revealed the murder of December 16 in Selitë, where Edmond Papa, 46 years old, was killed with 9 shots in a bar.
Albano Velo was arrested today, accused of being the author of this event.
The evidence speaks against him, and he has not yet accepted the authorship.
Meanwhile, Albano Velo's father, Dilaver Velo, police inspector in Region number 4 in Tirana, has been suspended from duty.
It is thought that the reason for the Pope's murder was revenge. Albano Velo was friends with Armando Sadik, the 30-year-old who was killed with explosives in his car that exploded on Sauk Street.
Drug deals are suspected to have become the cause of the conflict.