Horoscope for February, Leo - Virgo

Horoscope for February, Leo - Virgo


If you were born under the sign of Leo, in the first days of February you will make the right decisions regarding your family. This will be a favorable time for developing important and beneficial relationships with women. Some of you will be able to rejoice with an unexpected purchase.

In February, you will experience a significant event related to someone from your circle of relatives, who will leave a lasting mark on your life. It is possible that this month you will have a commitment related to the memorialization of a deceased loved one or to take care of inherited property and belongings.

During this month, many of you will have expectations related to your love or intimate life. You will have the opportunity to realize them, but sometimes you will be asked to be smart, sometimes patient.

Ignore comments or rumors that affect your personal life. Especially those that have to do with your past or your partner.

During this month, you will have your own plan to change your home, things or equipment you use for work, etc. It is very likely that you will encounter resistance or lack of cooperation from the people you live or work with.

In February, you will experience a conflict in your family regarding your material interests or desires.

You will be upset or disappointed by unpleasant news about a person who lives far away. An unpleasant incident during a trip with a person from your circle of friends or colleagues is possible.

This will be a favorable month for making new friendships and contacts.

In your home, you will discuss a news or event related to a girl or a woman in your family.

Some of you will be happy with news related to upcoming motherhood or the birth of a child.

In February, you will be able to make a new start towards realizing your old idea or dream, due to the emergence of new favorable circumstances.

Boys and girls may unexpectedly take a trip. This month you will meet new people who will have a big impact on your life in the coming months or years.

Men will be surprised by unexpected problems. They will be able to be solved, but they will come at the wrong time or will be related to people with whom you have not had problems before.

In February, women will be surprised by the emergence of a sudden problem that will cause concern, and in some cases may be related to a health problem.

During this month, care related to your health is possible, such as: a visit to a doctor, dentist, or other specialist.


If you were born under the sign of Virgo, the aspect of the Moon to Neptune will cause emotional turmoil, difficulties in family relationships in the first days of the month. Your relationships with women will be complicated and ambiguous. Health problems related to digestion, with intestinal gases are possible.

In February, avoid travel (unless urgent) and plans that involve people at a distance.

Problems may arise with transportation or a personal car during the trip.

If you are a merchant or manufacturer, problems may arise in February with goods or raw materials that you have been waiting for a long time.

February will be a month of surprises that will have to do with men from your circle of friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.

Various life dramas and experiences related to people you know will provoke you to think more about human life as predestination and other spiritual-philosophical reflections.

This month you will be able to renew and harmonize your complicated relationship with a woman with whom you experienced a breakup due to the interference of other people.

Larger or unexpected expenses related to your family are ahead of you this month.

In February, you may experience unpleasant moments in your romantic relationship or marriage, related to jealousy or misunderstandings.

You may be disappointed by an inappropriate or unnecessary gift that someone may give you.

During this month, men will experience emotional and interesting moments with a child, with travel, etc.

In February, an unpleasant event or incident will occur with a man from your circle of friends or relatives. It is difficult to determine how such an event will affect you.

Women will have more opportunities for pleasure. You will be fascinated by the actions or proposals of people with whom you have an old acquaintance.

During this month you may travel to different distances and for different reasons. You will be restless, impatient and unpredictable in your behavior.