Aquarius-Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius-Pisces Weekly Horoscope


If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, during the week you are likely to receive an opportunity or offer for a trip related to vacations, pleasant meetings with old and new friends, or some other specific purpose.
Your family life during these seven days is unlikely to be threatened by problems that cannot be resolved. Financial stability in your home will also be important for the stability of your marriage, so attention will be especially directed to improving and stabilizing the family budget.
Unexpected income or higher income is possible.
During the week you will have interesting dreams related to people from the Otherworld.
The week brings more difficult realization of plans related to abroad or less significant successes compared to previous weeks.
Plans related to the acquisition of some kind of property will be implemented slowly or with difficulty this week.
Some of you will experience a change related to current work, which will hardly be planned in advance. Problems may arise related to your desire to change your job or profession.
Boys and girls should be careful when dealing with exams, tests and any kind of documents.
During the week you will manage to implement a large part of your plans and often luck will be on your side.
Men this week will be happy about an event or news that may have to do with their financial interests, business relationships or plans from which they expect some income in their budget. Successful finalization of your plan or idea is possible.
In general, this week will bring luck to many of you, especially in the material and financial sphere.
During this week women will be worried about a health problem related to a chronic illness or related to a relative.
If a domestic problem occurs this week, its solution may continue into the following week.
A meeting or contact with people from your past will cause different emotions.


If you were born under the sign of Pisces, during this week it will be important to carefully consider your words and actions. Try to avoid spontaneous reactions, especially in conflicts or delicate situations. It can be useful to give yourself time before reacting to something that bothers you. Also, try to be more sensitive to the emotions of others and strive for empathy in communication. Attention and understanding can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.
Do not focus on what you want and what you expect to achieve this week. Think about things that are realistically achievable, adapted to the environment where you live or work.
The week will be important, successful and progressive for you, but only if you manage to avoid conflicts.
Your material matters will have a natural and favorable development, regardless of whether they are related to property, production or commercial issues.
There is a possibility that you will commit to a gift for a loved one who will celebrate a personal holiday: birthday, anniversary, etc.
During this week, do not suffer for lost things and people. Everything comes and goes in your life, be it a friend or an engagement. Movement always exists and will exist in everything that we are connected to in some way. What you will experience this week is just another lesson that life gives you.
Avoid complicated and unclear relationships with people with whom you have daily contact.
Boys and girls will have many tasks, work and more responsibilities, so plan your daily commitments well.
In general, you will spend a week with various surprises.
Men will be surprised by some important events in the family or in the circle of relatives.
One of them will be related to a woman and an important event in her life.
In their work, women will experience moments of difficulty or complications. These events will force you to look at your future in a different way, to improve or change something in your work.
Such events may provoke you to create new goals or priorities.