How to be happy at work? The secret of the Danish art of Arbejdsglæde

A Danish approach aims to make workers happy to go to work.
Going to work isn't a pleasant part of the day for everyone. However, to approach work with an improved mood, you can rely on Arbejdsglæde, the Danish approach that can be translated as "joy of work."
Nordic culture is often a source of motivational inspiration when it comes to living different phases of life in a positive light, and work is no exception. If a person is not happy to go to work, it is probably because they are professionally exhausted. Yes, an unhappy worker also becomes an unhappy person, who inevitably throws all his unhappiness out on society.
Danes like to feel fulfilled at work and separate their private life from their professional one.
A 2015 study by the University of Warwick found that happy workers are up to 12% more productive than average, making it clear that happiness at work is intrinsically linked to performance, which in turn reflects on overall business results. That’s why recruiters themselves promote Arbejdsglæde, which emphasizes building a healthy and positive work environment, encouraging human interaction, adopting flexibility policies, and recognizing and celebrating professional achievements, with benefits and bonuses.
It's no secret that a toxic work environment also negatively impacts mental health; in the case of the Work in America survey, promoted by the American Psychological Association, this was the case for 22% of employees.