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Nearly 90% of votes counted, Kurti receives 41.29 percent  

Nearly 90% of votes counted, Kurti receives 41.29 percent

With almost 90% of the votes counted, Albin Kurti's Vetëvendosje Movement has received 41.29 percent of the votes, which translates into 47 mandates. In the latest update at 6:04 am by the Central Election Commission in Kosovo, the Democratic Party of Kosovo is in second place with 21.83 percent of the votes. Next is the Democratic League with 17.75 percent, and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is in fourth place with 7.68 percent. While the Serbian List has won 3.96 percent.

These preliminary results do not include conditional votes, votes from people with special needs, and votes from outside Kosovo.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced that data on the voting process will be collected manually from all polling stations, due to the application's malfunction.

In a press conference, the chairman of the CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi, said that the failure to transmit data or preliminary results of political entities through the electronic platform has no impact on the results that are already part of these forms.