
All payments and purchases through the bank. The three cities where it will be piloted 

All payments and purchases through the bank. The three cities where it will be

In order to reduce informality, but also to facilitate payments, Albania will very soon test a pilot project for payments through the electronic system. The good news was given by the Minister for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate, Delina Ibrahimaj, who, in the podcast with Prime Minister Edi Rama, said that "through a pilot project, we want to test these forms of electronic payments widely for all payments".

"I want to thank all the pioneers of fin tech start-ups, for doing what start-ups do all over the world, they found the problem, which is cost and time, and they gave a solution to the problem that serves us everyone. Based on this, we thought of doing a pilot project, where we will pilot three different areas - in Tirana 100 individuals, in Peshkopi 100 individuals, and in Përmet 100 individuals - whose accounts the government will fill for 4 months with a value of 10 thousand lek per month, in order to spend this money through digital platforms. We will also partner with some businesses, who will agree to become part of this pilot in order to test all existing solutions and see what problems arise, both in use by the individual and by the business side. But also in the actions that the existing systems have, that is, in the actions that the fin techs have with the banks. Why should the government intervene they ask? It is of public interest because we have an interest in reducing cash in the economy, we have an interest in continuing formalization and this is a complementary element of fiscalization. If for business-to-business payments everything is already done by bank, business-to-individual payments continue to have the problems of using cash and informality. We believe that with this pilot and with this incentive we will be able to finalize our fiscalization project, where everything should be electronic, simple for the individual, simple for the business to push forward progress and innovation. We intend to support the financial system and fin tech-net and banks", said Ibrahimaj.

Prime Minister Rama emphasized that for some time there has been talk of solving this problem through the instruments of the new world.

"This is where what is happening today in Albania, which we want to promote, helps us. We are preparing a pilot project to see if a flow of new world innovation works", said Rama.