
Chambers of commerce are "merged", a single national chamber is created

Chambers of commerce are "merged", a single national chamber is

Businesses in the country must be protected by a single chamber, which will be called the "National Economic Chamber". This government initiative aims to unite all enterprises in an association, which will also collect annual quotas.

A National Chamber of Commerce will unite all businesses in the country, which until now are under the umbrella of 180 chambers and associations that represent them. The legal initiative has been launched for public consultation, and its purpose is to reform the way business is represented.

The document provides that all commercial entities will be members of the Chamber, with the exception of entities that are members of professional chambers or orders established by special law.

The National Economic Chamber will have organizational and financial autonomy. Income will be generated from annual membership fees, fees and services it offers and contributions from local and foreign donors.

The organization and full operation of the National Economic Chamber will require two years of time, and will be financially supported by the state budget. The fund for the first year will be 40 million ALL, while in the second year 100 million ALL.