
The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected from social networks

The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected

Even beauty is being created by artificial intelligence. A supercomputer has crunched social media likes across photos to create the world's coolest people.

The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected

Using top-rated images from sites like Instagram and Twitter for its algorithms, it collected the most desired aesthetic ideals for people from 14 countries, including the UK, India and China.

The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected

Pronounced jaws, smiling looks are the main ones in men, while women's long hair and drawn eyes seem to have made the software's heart skip a beat.

The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected

The most beautiful faces in the world created by the application and collected

"As a health and beauty brand, we're always looking to understand what beauty looks like to our customers," said Samantha Haines, marketing manager at NordChem Health & Beauty, which sponsored the creation.