Art dhe Kulturë

Let's criticize without hate speech! Elvana Gjata reacts to the Festival

Let's criticize without hate speech! Elvana Gjata reacts to the Festival

After the news that Elvana Gjata deleted all posts related to the Song Festival on RTSH, and the numerous criticisms of her song, the singer reacted in English on her Instagram, but without explaining why she deleted the posts.

Let's criticize without hate speech! Elvana Gjata reacts to the Festival

Elvana's message: Thank you for all the love, votes, and countless messages you sent me during FIK63.

I am so grateful to everyone who supported me until the finale and I promise you that I will return that love many times over through my music.

I always wish the best for my country and everyone who represents us on the international stage. The same goes for Shkodra Elektronike—I wish you a wonderful experience at Eurovision 2025!

I welcome constructive criticism, as it helps me improve, but let's keep the conversation away from hate speech—it has no place in music, or in other aspects of life.

With love,
