
Vjosa is a gift for all of Europe! The German ecologist writes a letter to Rama and a request for the EU

Vjosa is a gift for all of Europe! The German ecologist writes a letter to Rama
Michael Succow

The German ecologist, Michael Succow, winner of the alternative Nobel Prize, has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Edi Rama, where he calls on him to start the project for the Vjosa National Park.

"Vjosa in Albania is one of the last virgin rivers of Europe with one of the most prominent ecosystems of the continent. In light of the tremendous deterioration of natural habitats and biodiversity in Europe and in note, the Vjosa is a great gift not only for the inhabitants of Albania, but for all Europeans and beyond ", writes the 79-year-old ecologist, among other things, in his letter.

Vjosa is a gift for all of Europe! The German ecologist writes a letter to Rama

According to Succow, about 30 new HPP projects along the river pose a threat to the ecosystem. His letter is also addressed to the EU where he is asked to support Albania with funds, in order to create the First National Park of a virgin river in Europe.

"This would be a gigantic achievement for the nature of Europe and and could serve as a model for the EU."

Rreth 36 organizata mjedisore i janë drejtuar për këtë çështje që nga shkurti e deri tani qeverisë së Shqipërisë, ndër ta edhe aktori i Hollivudit, Leonardo di Caprio, në një mesazh në Twitter. Më 10 shkurt, rreth 20 organizata mjedisore nga Shqipëria dhe Evropa i kishin dorëzuar ministrit të Mjedisit në Shqipëri, Blendi Klosi, një plan për krijimin e Parkut Kombëtar në rrjedhën e lumit Vjosë.

Qeveria e Shqipërisë më herët kishte paralajmëruar se do ta kthente luginën e Vjosës në një plan kombëtar, por sipas shoqatës për mbrojtjen e mjedisit, EcoAlbania, projekti i qeverisë shqiptare i ka përjashtuar nga mbrojtja zonat përreth hidrocentraleve të planifikuara.

In addition to hydropower plants, according to Deutsche Welle, experts see the Vjosa ecosystem at risk, with the construction of Vlora airport, whose tender has already been awarded to the Swiss-Albanian company Mabetex, former Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli, and the Turkish company. YDA, which is currently building the hospital in Fier.

According to Ecoalbania, 1,175 species of animals and plants currently live along the Vjosa, including 119 species protected under Albanian law and 39 species that are listed in the International Red List of Threatened Species of the International Association for Conservation of Nature IUCN.

Experts think the number of rare species is much higher, as many areas of the Vjosa and its tributaries are still unexplored.

Referuar Deutsche Welle.

* Tiranapost.al.