Why did half of the graduates enrolled in medicine drop out this year?!

Controversy over law for medical students seems to have caused medical students to abandon it as a major.
The Constitutional Court decided to partially overturn the law passed in July 2023 for medical students, which would have forced them to work in the country for a minimum of five years, without the right to graduate. Specifically, on January 25, the obligation for forced employment in the country for five, three and two years was abolished.
But this was not enough for the new graduates to choose medicine as a field of study.
An interesting fact emerges from this year's contest, where only 59% of those registered participated in the contest.
In the last decade more than 3000 doctors have left Albania, mainly for Germany.
While the medical system in Albania remains one of the most debated services. The last case in Oncology with the scandal of wiretapping and how life was traded, shocked the public opinion, and highlighted once again that the main cancer is the quality of our health service.
The abandonment of this branch by young people is undoubtedly bad news.