The winners in the universities are announced! Registration opens on August 30 and everything you need to know

The winners who applied to public and private universities have been announced. The list of winners according to study programs has been published on the U-Albania portal.
Registrations start on August 30 and will take place in seven 48-hour stages.
At the end of the 48 hours, if you are not enrolled in that study program, that program is passed on to the next graduates in the competition.
On September 13, the first round of registrations closes. If they are enrolled in a field of study and reconsider their choice, graduates can deregister and be added to the lists of graduates applying for the second round
The second phase of the application starts for the vacant places, this includes the high school graduates who will successfully complete the fall exams of the State Matura.
Even this year, the number of university quotas is much higher than applications.
19,700 candidates for 30,000 quotas in public and private high schools.
Again there will be quota burning especially in district universities and teaching branches.
While IT programs, Medicine, Health branches fill the quotas in the first two days of registration.