Through a photo and status, Prime Minister Rama has responded to citizens' complaints about the new Cadastre system that only works online. Rama says that the reason for the delays is the large influx and recalls the problems of the old system.
Rama's post:
And they keep saying that the new Cadastre system doesn't work...
This is just a picture of the workflow of the digital system, where you can clearly see the incoming and outgoing dates of applications, without a counter, without physical contact with employees, without the possibility of intervention from above, below, from the side to receive and give favors, no chance for bribes because the system does not eat friends and without all the horrors and horrors of the past in getting the service
While yes, it's true, the old system no longer works, the network of realtors, all kinds of influences, cockroaches and rats inside the cadastre, who continue to give up due to the drying up of dirty resources, is undone every day, the work for improvement and growth continues tirelessly of the efficiency of the new system, which still has its own problems, but even as it is, it has given two great proofs, as a system HOSTILE TO CORRUPTION and FRIENDLY TO THE CITIZEN