
Rama: On March 2nd we will hold a large job fair in Athens

Rama: On March 2nd we will hold a large job fair in Athens

Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced that a job fair will be held in Athens on March 2. This aims to build bridges of cooperation between Albanians here and their compatriots there.

"We have a big fair in Athens on March 2, a long day with many activities where we aim to put many Albanian companies in Albania in construction, tourism, innovation in direct contact with our compatriots in Athens and perhaps beyond. All the material will also be available on an online website, where everyone can enter and see the opportunities that exist to conclude employment contracts, whether seasonal for tourism, or annual, whether in tourism, construction or other fields.

The challenge is to break the stereotype that in Albania salaries are low and opportunities are low. Let's break the stereotype with accessible facts and where the models and conditions of contracts are seen. It will be a good start, it is only the first step, we will make the fairs a tradition in the 4th mandate because we will link the negotiations with the process for returns to Albania to live and work. Not only final returns, but also partial returns or investments", said Rama in Sy më Sy.