
The (un)bearable burden of being a woman in politics

The (un)bearable burden of being a woman in politics

In a podcast with Mira Kazhani, Majlinda Bregu talks about life away from being a politician, but also about the weight of being a woman in politics and especially about the social pressure on women. She talks about the three-pronged attack that women in politics experience, attacks from which she has not escaped either.

"There is no greater weight than social pressure for women in politics. You are not responsible only for yourself. You are not responsible for defending your reputation to the end, which is one of the greatest assets that a person has and which, unfortunately, in politics, has been trampled on, especially in recent years, in a thousand ways. From those attacks that are mainly based on misogyny. So you are a woman and I must definitely see that you have the perfect forms of those who are photo models. From the part of low attacks for the fact that you are a woman. So to intimidate you because you are a woman. From the prejudices that women do not work in politics. From misunderstood and misinterpreted legacies over the centuries that you have to be a man to be strong in politics. And to the dirty attacks that have not spared women for the sake of their political engagement in Albania," said Bregu.

The former DP minister tells during the interview with a touch of irony how she felt when she was fired from the DP.

"I was fired from a job I loved. Then they expected me, at 45, to be unemployed. Unlike the social media buzz, I have had and need to work," said Majlinda Bregu.

Bregu suggests that her position at the head of the RCC was not well received by her party.

Asked about politics today?

Majlinda Bregu says:

"I would very much like Albania not to have this part of mutual destruction which at the end of the day produces nothing. This is a very big problem that has characterized politics in recent years. That in fact, when a political force, the one in power, thinks that it is the only one with power and the destruction of the other political force, its weakening, even self-destruction to tell the truth.

"It helps him in a way because it gives him more chances to win and have power in his hands in a somewhat long-term plan, meaning that to some extent you have also designed your own destruction," Bregu said on the ZëmeMirën Podcast.

Mira Kazhani finally asks him if he has a prediction for May 11th and Bregu says he only knows that he will vote for her party.

Listen to the full conversation on YouTube.