
'Naimi' added to Air Albania

'Naimi' added to Air Albania

After 'Lasgushi' and 'Migjen', the airline named 'Naim' has been added to the Air Albania airline. Prime Minister Rama announced the arrival of the plane called 'Naim', through a post on social networks where he points out the delay due to the coronavirus pandemic. He writes:

"After Lasgushi and Migjen and the restraint from the pandemic, Naimi arrived, which brings to 3 the number of aircraft of our flagship fleet."

'Naimi' added to Air Albania

The plane named Lasgushi, was the first to make the first flight to the Turkish state of Istanbul, on September 14, 2018. Meanwhile, after him, the Migjeni plane was the second to join this line. As previously announced by the Prime Minister, all Air Albania aircraft will have important names, while he warned that there will be only 3 aircraft belonging to this company.

'Naimi' added to Air Albania

* Tiranapost.al.