Who would have thought, like today, a year, when we collected bags from shops and supermarkets and left saying 'good year', what a bad year was waiting for us.
There are philosophical endeavors, writers, journalists and gurus to see this year as a blessing, as a sign from earth, heaven, from the universe, that we humans had exaggerated and that the world needed to stop for a moment.
This year, from dozens of lectures, taught us to pave the way for what we do not believe or resemble. We do not have to box with anything that does not suit us. We are very spiritually tired.
The bad year taught us that despite technological progress, digital revolutions, all sorts of apps created in these amazing 10 years by the human imagination and brain, advances in science, medicine, robotics, marketing, make up , globalization, again human life is endangered by a night owl. The pandemic removed the mask of the world, the superpowers and put masks on people, regardless of status.
Here we are, a year later, waiting for the vaccine, with a lot of news for and against it, as well as the beginning of the virus, with a sea of uncertainty, since the WHO showed that it was the typical face of the bureaucratic institution in Geneva. Too fat salaries not to know an answer to the simple question: Should we wear the mask or not? Is it Wuhan's flu or virus ?!
The virus removed the mask from those first. It was then taken away from America, where for the first time the American passport suffered the deepest loss of reputation due to the frivolous statements of the American president, Trump. I have never been to America, but like any Albanian, I have a sense of spiritual comfort if it is first, if it is good and without delirium. I still believe that the time has not come for her to go west. I hope philosophers or gurus say the same.
The virus also removed the mask from Europe. The EU, clumsy at the beginning of the pandemic and shocking at the end of the year, especially for us Balkans. If we are an EU priority, how could we not be one step closer to vaccination?
The Balkans, on the other hand, once again showed how little it has developed, more precisely how far back and late it is.
Now, though with a mask, we see many things more clearly.
We know that there is nothing safe in this world when just a year ago we were talking about longevity and immortality. While in 2020 the fear of dystopia and death locked us in the house, closed our doors and jobs, meetings and hugs. Some said that this global challenge will make us better, at least so far there is no evidence that we became better people, according to preludes. Hardly the world will remember even after that ?!
The virus is still among us. If 2021 will win the war with him, (we have all that prayer) I wish we get ready to fight not with death, but with life.
We urgently need not only technological civilization, beauty formulas and immortality, but to become responsible. To save more, to read more books, to work harder, to think more, to have brainstorming policies and to give dignity to people of knowledge and work. Experts, professionals, researchers.
There is no reason why we should all become better people. It would be even more impossible!
We need an informed society, a new policy and it does not mean that it does not make new people. There are many young people, the new is not seen.
We need to read credible media as well and get ready for a future that is more than ever uncertain (uncertainty came when we had increased confidence in irony).
As the pandemic showed, the rich were a leaf in the hands of nurses. All of us, no matter what we represent, when in isolation at home were in the hands of ordinary and invisible people.
On the other hand, those who do not seek status and wealth in this life sound just as crazy and pathetic, but they also need teachers, doctors, epidemiologists, scientists, writers ... The bells ring for whoever has ears to hear them.
Everyone does their own analysis. This was mine for this year.
Happy, good health year! Maybe you hear us this time ?!
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