A "superficial" reading of Giorgia Meloni's victory

By Mira Kazhani/ Today, a former journalist and a politician who started the political battle at the age of 15, became the first female prime minister in Italy. In fact, more than a "women-themed" victory, Meloni has put the EU or even the West in anxiety (all the media have her portrait and program as headlines) about the extreme policies she is expected to do and if she wants to succeed in realizing them. Because when he comes to power, experience has shown us (the Tsipras case) that the language changes. Fratelli d'Italia, the far-right movement led by Giorga Meloni, won a landslide victory in Sunday's election. It has received as many votes as the entire left combined, and it also has a difference with its allies, the party of Berlusconi and Salvini.
Yes, Giorgia Meloni doli?
I knew nothing about him and my attention to the campaign in Italy started precisely with Meloni. So she had this magnetic force that others didn't have: to appear on your mobile screen!
What was she doing that had won over the Italians and scared the establishment? In fact, the strained efforts of the latter helped the dangerous politician more, with a combative style, with fascist undertones and promises that went to the heart of Italians tired of the pandemic, who saw with their own eyes and with their lives lost, than only those who gave them thought left them today. Italians are a people with history, they have thousands of years of art and politics and they don't forget easily.
Shoqëria italiane mund të jetë edhe e vetëdijshme për bombën Meloni, por ata kanë bërtitur me këtë votë se u lodhën me kryeministra teknikë apo se nuk mjafton të jesh thjesht intelektual, i dhe i ndershëm. Psh Enrico Letta mund të jetë një profesor i mirë, por tregoi se nuk ishte për atë punë.
Uria e Italisë për politikanë dhe jo thjesht për bankierë apo shkrimtarë e studiues, (se Italia nuk ka tema me kriminelë në parlament) tregon edhe njëherë se politika është një profesion po aq i vjetër dhe se njerëzit duan udhëheqës që nuk iu bëjnë filozofi, por iu çojnë para luftën dhe iu flasin gjuhën e tyre. Mesazhi ka rëndësi. Meloni kishte botën dhe median kundër. Por kishte mesazhin dhe flakën.
Giorgia Meloni ka kthyer një faqe historie. Italianët duan të qeverisen nga politikanë që iu dhembin këmbët nga rruga e gjatë.
Meloni started at the age of 15, at a party where no one approached her, as she says, even because she was overweight. Later, he managed step by step to climb and lose weight by running. He did not rush just for power. He waited. He endured long oppositions, he did not share power, but he went to power alone. Another lesson is that tiredness with the establishment can lead to Melon's extreme.
For others, as the Italians say "dai tempo al tempo"