Kakavija as the covetous of political leadership in Albania. The government moves late, Basha does not move at all

The fate of the Albanians in Kakavija, even for a little civic responsibility, is today a burden of the institutions.
No one blames the Albanian government for the decisions (even in the conditions of the pandemic) that Greece takes or for the way it proceeds every summer or holiday at the border. Today, the approach to a problem and the reaction from the first minute are judged.
In events like these the oppositions find it easier to react because they do not have their mouths shut as often happens in power for a host of reasons. The politician in opposition can go wherever the Albanian state faces a situation or the responsibility of the government. Those who are enduring today in Kakavija for 72 hours are Albanians who vote, if not their family members. These are the people who elect them and the politicians who govern. Knowing, ignorant, patient or impatient, informed or uninformed, this is society all over the world. There are queues in France, queues are everywhere, but today it changes and when you have three days there in the middle of a normal pandemic that requires a reaction.
A 'weak reaction' of the government, with the Foreign Minister out of office, and with the Albanians staying for three days at the border forced to travel before August 16 by a sudden announcement of the Greek side. We all know that they are people who travel out of misery and are not going to Santorini. However, they have left and will not return. A phone call, a communication between governments could have created a 'comfort zone' but so far it has not happened. Apart from the reaction of the Armed Forces, even with a little delay, for food and support as a plan to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, there are only Albanian travelers and journalists in Kakavija. People who sometimes wait patiently and sometimes tired.
This was both the day of the opposition leader, and his plight, of the shadow prime minister, which proves to us that he is looking for a better alternative than Edi Rama.
Ok, mirë qeveria me Vonesë po opozita ku është?! Pse flet Berisha e s’luan vendit Lulzim Basha?!
Nuk besoj se janë më pak të rëndësishëm se Teatri ata që janë prej 72 orësh në Kakavijë.
Pse kjo indiferencë me Kakavijën apo t’ja lëmë fajin si gjithnjë ‘grekut’.
Ngjarja e Kakavijës është sot një kumt që politikë s'mund të bëhet vetëm për tryeza mes rivalëve apo reforma zgjedhore, politika duhet të jetë sidomos në shërbim të njerëzve, si ata që sot janë në kufi.
*Rubrika 25 rreshtat e Mirës nuk lejohet të ribotohet pa lejen e editorit. Na kontaktoni në email: [email protected]