What I saw last night at Sunnyhill

Last night I went for a ride to "Sunny Hill"! What a cool generation, what a vibe and especially what boys and girls!
There is an Albania that we do not know, except that of the keyboard. All the time this thought crashed into me like a wave during those two hours.
I wondered where this generation lives, this humus of the country? Where will these young people go? How many hidden talents are there among them? Which one is Luiza among them? Who is the prime minister, the oppositionist, the journalist, the innovator, the entrepreneur?
What will happen to their future? Will they stay in Albania? Want to study abroad and then come back? Should they not return because they are citizens of the world, or should they not return because no one remembered them along the way?
Here, the "25 lines" begin:
We have a nature to always market the successful, but not the way how success comes. And this is where our story begins. For several days, Luiza Gega is the most marketed person in the country. The 33-year-old made Albania the champion of Europe. But Luiza has a long way to go. She started by coming last and worked with sweat and blood to triumph in her success. Louise's path and suffering must be the trade of values, the responsibility of all governments, the policies that pave the way for other Louises. More must be done in the governance of the country in this direction, from the decisions that are made for the next 30 years, from the financial burden that we leave to them, the sports grounds and especially from the model that we forge for them. The job of every government is to pave the way for talents by identifying them,
Duke parë nga ky sy magjik, të rinjtë, që janë plot nëpër Shqipëri, si shpirtra të lirë e që flasin një gjuhë tjetër, nga izolimi dhe tranzicioni i brezit të prindërve të tyre, do të bëhen qytetarët e denjë të vendit të tyre.
Të rinjtë që pashë mbrëmë tek “Sunny Hill”, më kujtuan sigurisht që s’jam më aq e re, e që i përkas një kohe ku të ishe i ri, nuk ishte aq e larmishme sa sot.
This is their generation who enjoy each other, who have their own world, their favorite DJs who sing all their songs, who don't care who you are and what you stand for, you who are drinking a cocktail nearby. There is a part of public life that remembers that the world revolves around them, that Albania revolves around them. In fact, there is an Albania that will not know. It grows every day as the modern version of Miggenian verses. It is that of the dozens of young people walking in sneakers and jeans at Sunny Hill, inviting you to listen to them and speak their language.
Ps The impression has been created that in Albania young people are not like in Europe, simple and cool, but a little like Kardashian, a little like Arabs. Yes, it is a strip of society that has embraced that culture that is not like ours, but there are also young people who "fit" Europe.