25 Rreshtat e Mirës

Will we eat bread ?!

Will we eat bread ?!

There is a dialogue: that between Julius Caesar and his right wing Mark Antony. At his peak, Caesar, the emperor of Rome, during a period of 9 months traveled to Egypt, where he spent time with his girlfriend, Cleopatra, with whom they also had a son. But during this time in Rome the famine began and the protests of the peasants were suppressed several times with violence. This was Mark Antony, an incomparable general in the war, but since the affairs of state he did not smell much. The only victory for him was that which came from the edge of the sword. When Julius Caesar returns to Rome - a statesman from an aristocratic family, orator and strategist - he is faced with an unimaginable reality. The Romans oppressed violently, without bread and crushed. When Mark Antony told him that there was no alternative to stopping the protests he had used force, Caesar's response was:

In Tirana, in some bakeries, bread prices have risen on the grounds that the price of wheat has risen on the stock exchange and as a result flour and pastries, mainly pasta, will be more expensive.

The stock market has nothing to do with anyone, but the possibility that we do not depend so much on wheat imports depends only on us. Never completely because the whole world works with imports, but at least we can plant Myzeqena with wheat.

Today, Albania imports more than half of its flour needs from other countries, Russia is the first, followed by Serbia (a quality concern), from Greece, which has good flour and bakeries to say the least pride in using Greek flour, and Croatia, Hungary or Ukraine have also been added in recent years.

In recent years, from the annual data from both INSTAT and the Ministry of Agriculture, the planting of land with wheat has been reduced.

We produce around 233 tons of flour per year, which is used domestically, but we get more than half from imports, which means that we have a loop in the throat while the fields are barren.

Albania is a fertile land and the square area has no disproportions in terms of population.

Albania should be planted with wheat and not only. Agriculture will put the country back on track.

Sa i takon nxitimit të furrave të bukës në Tiranë për të rritur menjëherë çmimin, është mungesë rregullash dhe kontrollesh nga shteti. Asnjë shoqëri nuk ka tregtarë 24 karat të ndershëm, por frika ruan vreshtin, shteti ruan qytetarin nga abuzimi me çmimet, madje ruan edhe tregtarët e ndershëm nga konkurrenti grykës. Siç qe një furrë e buke ku hyra rastësisht sot për biseduar dhe nuk e kish rritur çmimin. Madje, furra e bukës "Dumrea", në Rrugën "Perlat Rexhepi", kishte tjetër qasje ndaj temës së çmimit të miellit. Nuk e di në kam blerë më parë, por besoj se do të jem kliente sepse nuk e kishin rritur çmimin, kishin një bukëpjekës dhe një shitëse, me siguri edhe një pronar me ndjenja humane.

Xhoana, shitësja 20-vjeçare, bashkë me Andrean, bukëpjekësin, thonë me çiltërsi se nuk është ndonjë hata edhe nëse rritet çmimi i miellit, sepse megjithë rritjen mbetet prapë nga fitimi. Pra, disa që e bëjnë janë thjesht abuzues.

Si zgjidhet kjo në plan afatshkurtër?

Ata, abuzuesit, të braktisen nga klientët, ndërsa shteti duhet t'u shkojë tek dera e të zbatojë ligjin dhe sigurisht dikush të dalë e të sqarojë njerëzit se çfarë po ndodh.

Të hënën e datës 6 shtator kryeministri u pyet për çmimin e bukës, ku tha: “Kjo është një përgjigje të cilën do ta japë qeveria e re”.

Edhe pse e vjetra i ka të gjitha kapacitetet të reagojë gjithsesi.

Nëse ia transferojmë të resë, po aty mund të ketë edhe alternativa e zgjidhje afatgjata.

Bread is an institution for Albanians, bread I mean and not flour (as if it stones) identifies us more as a society. We buy it, we smell it, we dye it, we still say: -will we eat bread?

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