
Episode of ZëmeMirënPodcast with Ditmir Bushati

Episode of ZëmeMirënPodcast with Ditmir Bushati

In my first season I spoke with Primo Shllaku, who whenever I am asked if I would be forced to choose a podcast, I say his name. But I called Primo now in this note because when we were talking about Shkodra, he told me that that place has humus, so many personalities have emerged. But it has not been able to produce politicians.

"What about the Bushatllinjte?" I asked him. "They killed them, they didn't come out alive," he replied with a kind of mimicry.

One of their descendants, alive in today's politics, is Ditmir Bushati.

I invited him to this episode to talk, not about the Bushatllins, but about him.

For the philosophy of life, that life that only someone who has experienced the ascent and descent can see.

For the days when you are in the sky and the days of political loneliness. For friends and gratitude, and I liked the answers I got from him. Because usually intelligent people have brakes with sincerity. But apparently during these years, removed from politics, as he says with emphasis - not by choice, - he has gained a kind of sportsmanship with the truth.

We talked about childhood, of course, and in Ditmir Bushati, you understand that it predicts our future. It's an ice cream episode that will tease you and make you laugh. But not only this one. There are many others.

*This podcast of "Zë me Miran" was supported by Vodafone, Lajthiza, Metropolitan, ABI Bank, Eurosig, TUMO

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