The technology fair is held in Tirana, Vodafone is the leader in digitalization

Future Tech took place, the first technology fair in Albania, where the leading companies in the field of technology in Albania participated. Events, conferences and key sessions were held during this fair, where Vodafone Albania was also present, one of the not only leading companies but also technology pioneers in Albania, as it was among the first to massively and practically introduce technology in many areas of life, from business to agriculture, education or entertainment.
Vodafone Albania has created some of the most downloaded applications in the country, such as My Vodafone or JUTH app, the meeting place of hundreds of thousands of young Albanians, but it is also proud of a series of successful technology applications, in projects such as Smart Agriculture and eBiznes, or in within the framework of the Social Contract, as in the case of Brightsky, the application to help girls and women victims of gender-based violence, and My Tirana, a platform to help residents and tourists of the capital.
The services, platforms, assets that Vodafone Albania has developed and continues to develop, in support of businesses in Albania, were presented in the afternoon of this fair, in the meeting organized by Vodafone, where representatives of the main companies in the country, partners were invited and associates over the years.
“Besoj se në Shqipëri kemi gjithçka na nevojitet për të shkuar me vetëbesim drejt së ardhmes digjitale: talente fantastike dhe një sërë kompanish lider në teknologji. Digjitalizimi nuk është një ngjarje e izoluar, por një udhëtim i vazhdueshëm. Dhe si një partner lider në teknologji, Vodafone është këtu për të mbështetur bizneset në çdo hap”, u shpreh Drejtori i Përgjithshëm i Vodafone Albania, Balazs Revesz.
Fjala e Revesz u plotësua më tej nga Brunilda Isaj, Drejtoreshë e Biznesit në Vodafone, e cila tha se sot nuk duhet të flasim thjesht për teknologjinë, por për mënyrën se si kompani si Vodafone Albania do t’u vijnë në ndihmë bizneseve përmes teknologjisë. “Ne duam të jemi dhe jemi brandi që ka lidershipin absolut në treg për të ofruar shërbime konektiviteti dhe që ka digjitalizuar shoqërinë e bizneset”, u shpreh Isaj.
It is no coincidence that the main topic at the fair was Artificial Intelligence and the introduction of technology into every aspect of business activity and society, without which the latter cannot survive. "HE is transforming the world. A year from today, your businesses will look old if they have not adapted Artificial Intelligence", said the President of the American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Enio Jaço, listing a number of services that are now vital for business and society.