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He was sexually abused when he was 10 years old, Bernard's shocking confession in BBVIP: They stole my childhood

He was sexually abused when he was 10 years old, Bernard's shocking

Bernardi, one of the characters of Big Brother VIP Albania, has narrated his life story where he has told about the most shocking event he has experienced, sexual abuse. He was 10 years old. The abuser was his neighbor.

Bernard has previously openly expressed his homosexual orientation and the challenges of dealing with bullying and hatred.

"I was 10 years old, I was standing in the neighborhood and my stomach hurt. They stole my childhood. A neighbor told me to come with me and I'll help you, he took me into a bedroom and said wait two minutes, he told me this is the medicine, I begged him not to do it. I didn't realize until I was a teenager that it was sexual abuse.

I punished myself so much that I don't know how to express it, I was afraid to go to school, to come home alone. Adolescence came and I had my first girlfriend. Then I decided to leave for London, I got clothes from my parents. I tried to cut my hair, there I met my ex-wife who pulled me out of hell, accepted me as I was. At the age of 37 I understood my sexual orientation," Bernardi said through tears.