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Why will 2025 be the year we buy nothing?

Why will 2025 be the year we buy nothing?

Social anxiety and financial anxiety have been two main protagonists of the last four years, thanks to the global pandemic of 2020, the signs and consequences of which still weigh heavily on people's lives today.

Terms like Money Dysmorphia - that distortion

cognitive biases that cause us to misperceive our financial situations are in the spotlight.

This situation has brought to light two new phenomena:

- Deinfluencer (which eliminates or reduces purchases, promoting a trend of moderation and awareness in purchasing).

And Core Underconsumption (a very popular trend that aims to reuse excess clothing and accessories to save money).

The high cost of living and the economic crisis have affected the daily habits of millions of people, regardless of the generation to which they belong.

If saving and recycling were the keywords of 2024, it seems that the keyword of 2025 will be "No Buy".

Even on TikTok, the challenge has gone viral with concrete suggestions on how to avoid shopping every day.