Stil jete

Four health tips you need for this fall

Four health tips you need for this fall

Need a refresher for fall? Here are some wellness tips to improve your physical and mental health.⁠

Consider the MIND diet

This diet combines elements of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. A new study found that those who followed the diet for 10 years had a lower risk of cognitive decline.

Focus on leafy greens, berries and beans, while reducing your intake of red meat, butter and sugary foods.

Plan a trip

Feel like you don't have time to take a vacation? A recent study found that going on a trip can slow down the aging process.

Pay attention to small naps

To optimize short naps and avoid irritability, experts recommend creating a sleep-friendly environment.

Instead of sleeping on the sofa, choose a dark, cool and quiet room.

Eat more sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are the perfect fall vegetable. They are rich in potassium and vitamin C and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.