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The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love makes anything possible

The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love

Men with Down syndrome, unlike women, find it more difficult to have children. This is what the studies that are being reviewed say, because there have also been success stories. In rare cases, men with Down Syndrome have managed to have their own biological child and one of them is Jad Issa. He not only fathered a son, but managed to educate him and make him a doctor.

The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love

The story of this family from Syria is inspiring.

When Jad's son Sader was born the community accepted their family as they were.

Having big dreams for his son, Jad, who worked in a wheat mill, began saving money for his son's college since Sader was a toddler. He did everything in his power to support the family and according to Sader, his father's hard work and commitment to give him the best possible future inspired him to study well and become a doctor.

The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love

"I think I would have been a lot less excited about life and a lot less passionate about what I do if I didn't have my special dad," Sader writes over a photo of the two together.

The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love

Sader is a dentist, he has one of the best and highest paying careers in Syria and Jadi's happiness knows no bounds. When his son was still studying, Jad would introduce himself to new people by telling them – “my son is a doctor”, – with twinkling eyes.

The family is living proof that stereotypes must be broken.

Speaking about the relationship his parents share, Sader told us that despite being together for decades, the love between his mom and dad is still like they got married yesterday. They perfectly understand each other's needs. They love to walk together and sometimes they just sit and talk for hours.

The father with Down Syndrome who raised a future doctor, as proof that love

Sader credits his success to Jad and admits that he is as proud of his father as his father is of him. The inspirational duo enjoys watching movies together in their free time.

*This inspiring article was reposted by Tiranapost today, on International Down Syndrome Day