Stil jete

77% of women take twice as many things in their suitcases as they need on vacation

77% of women take twice as many things in their suitcases as they need on

Did you pack your bags? What did you take with you?

According to a survey conducted by a travel agency that interviewed 2,000 female travelers, 77% of them pack about twice as much stuff as they actually use on vacation.

This is because taking the entire wardrobe with you (or almost) becomes a way to calm the anxiety of being away from home and the fear of running out.

"What if it's cold?", "What if it's hot?", "What if I get dirty?", "Yes, I take this just in case."

The women's mind seems to calculate all the possibilities and situations in which it can find itself (even the impossible ones) and it wants to be ready.

72% of women overdo it with accessories.

65% cannot close the suitcase (or sit on it to force it to close).

42% decide to buy something in the destination city. So, "I was going to shop there).

What kind of traveler are you? At what point is it too much?