
3 things Finns, the happiest people in the world, never do

3 things Finns, the happiest people in the world, never do

The first place for the happiest country in the world belongs to the Finns again. In the 2022 report, residents from 156 countries were asked to "rate their lives today on a scale of 0 to 10", also looking at factors that contribute to social support, longevity, generosity and lack of corruption.

Finnish psychologist and philosopher Frank Martella, who studies the basic principles of happiness, is often faced with the question: What exactly makes people in Finland so satisfied with their lives?

In order for Finns to have a high quality of life, these are the three things they never do:

1. "We never compare ourselves with our neighbors"

There is a famous phrase of a Finnish poet: "Kell' onni on, se onnen kätkeköön", which means "Don't compare and don't brag about your happiness". Finns take this very seriously, especially when it comes to material goods and visible displays of wealth.

"I once met one of the richest men in Finland. He had his baby in a stroller and was walking to the tram stop. He could have bought an expensive car or hired a driver, but he chose public transport. This is what success looks like in Finland: like everyone else,” he explains.

Happiness Tip: Focus on what makes you happy and less on performing well. The first step to true happiness is to set your own standards and stop comparing yourself to others.

2. "We do not overlook the benefits of nature"

According to a 2021 survey, 87% of Finns consider nature to be important to them because it provides them with peace of mind, energy and relaxation.

In Finland, workers are entitled to four weeks of summer vacation. Many use this time to go out into the countryside and immerse themselves in nature. The less comfort, even to the point where there is no electricity or running water at home, the better, writes

Këshillë për lumturinë: Kalimi i kohës në natyrë rrit vitalitetin, mirëqenien tonë dhe na jep një ndjenjë rritjeje personale. Gjeni mënyra për të shtuar pak gjelbërim në jetën tuaj, edhe nëse është thjesht blerja e disa bimëve për shtëpinë tuaj.

3. “Ne nuk e thyejmë rrethin e besimit të komunitetit”

Hulumtimet kanë treguar se sa më i lartë të jetë niveli i besimit në një vend, aq më të lumtur janë qytetarët e tij. Eksperimenti i “portofolit të humbur”, i cili u zhvillua në vitin 2022, testoi ndershmërinë e qytetarëve duke hedhur 192 kuleta në 16 qytete të botës. Në Helsinki, 11 nga 12 kuletat iu kthyen pronarit të tyre.

Finlandezët priren t’i besojnë njëri-tjetrit dhe të vlerësojnë ndershmërinë. Nëse harroni laptopin tuaj në një bibliotekë ose humbisni telefonin tuaj në tren, mund të jeni shumë të sigurt se do t’jua kthejnë atë.

Children also often take the public bus home from school and play outside unsupervised.

Happiness tip: Think about how you can serve your community. How can you build more trust? How can you support policies based on this belief? Small acts like opening the door for strangers or giving up a seat on the train also make a difference.