Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize after calling convicted rape actor Danny Masterson a 'model man'
Celebrity couple Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have publicly apologized for writing letters in support of their former colleague, Danny Masterson, following his rape conviction.
In an Instagram video posted Saturday, Kutcher and Kunis said their letters were in support of a friend they've known for 25 years and they didn't intend to hurt anyone.
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"Ne jemi të vetëdijshëm për dhimbjen që është shkaktuar nga letrat që kemi shkruar në emër të Danny Masterson," tha Kutcher në video.
“Ne mbështesim viktimat. Ne e kemi bërë këtë historikisht përmes punës sonë dhe do të vazhdojmë ta bëjmë këtë në të ardhmen”, shtoi Kunis.
Sipas Kutcher dhe Kunis, ata i shkruan letrat pasi familja e Masterson iu drejtua atyre, duke shpresuar se fjalët e tyre drejtuar gjykatësit do të merreshin parasysh për dënimin e tij. Aktori u dënua me 30 vjet për përdhunimin e dy grave.
"The letters were not written to question the legitimacy of the judicial system or the validity of the jury's decision," Kunis said. "They were meant for the judge to read and not undermine the testimony of the victims or re-traumatize them in any way. We would never want to do that. And we're sorry if that happened," Kutcher said. "Our hearts go out to every single person who has ever been a victim of sexual assault, sexual abuse or rape," the couple concluded.
As Breitbart News reported, Kutcher and Kunis referred to Masterson as a "model man" of "outstanding character" in their letter to the judge. Kutcher even credited Masterson for keeping him off drugs.