
Climate change is also changing the taste of Champagne, but how?

Climate change is also changing the taste of Champagne, but how?

Champagne sales are booming. But the taste of this drink may soon change forever. This is thanks to climate change.
Champagne has been a hallmark of celebrations and luxurious living for centuries. But Europe's rising temperatures and increasingly erratic weather are fueling fears that France's Champagne region could become unsuitable for its production.

More than 325 million bottles of champagne were shipped from Champagne in 2022, surpassing 6 billion euros in sales for the first time, according to champagne trade association Comité Champagne. The largest markets are the United States, Britain and Japan.

However, champagne companies will have to adapt to survive, as the aroma of champagne can change along the way.

Sunburned grapes, damaged taste
The Champagne region's exposure to the risk caused by drought will almost triple by the 2050s, according to the S&P Global Sustainable1 report, posing serious problems for vineyards.

The risk of drought in Champagne will increase from the current level of 16 to 43 by the 2050s, then double to 88 by the 2090s - unless changes are made to current climate policies.

Drought is not the only factor that can hinder production. The weather is increasingly erratic, with fires, floods and frost becoming more frequent in recent years.

"If the grapes are exposed to very extreme UV rays, then they're going to get the equivalent of our sunburn and that will basically ... damage the taste," Matt Hodgson, founder of English winemaker Grape Britannia, told CNBC.

The extra heat can also change the acidity of the grapes, which gives champagne its freshness.

Markat ndërkombëtare janë të vetëdijshme për ndikimin e madh që mund të ketë ndryshimi i klimës në bizneset e tyre.

Rregulli kryesor i Shampanjës është që duhet të prodhohet në provincën e Shampanjës.
Përdorimi i pesticideve dhe acidifikimi shtesë janë të ndaluara dhe të gjitha fazat e prodhimit duhet të zhvillohen në Shampanjë, deri në etiketimin e shishes. Por shtëpitë e shampanjës po përmirësojnë proceset e tyre për të vazhduar prodhimin brenda kufijve nën këto rregulla.
'20 vjet më parë korrja bëhej në fund të shtatorit, fillimi i tetorit. Tani vjelja bëhet në fund të gushtit dhe në fillim të shtatorit.

Për sa i përket shijes, ajo që po vini re shumë është karakteristika shumë më e pjekur. Ndryshimet e temperaturave nënkuptojnë gjithashtu se shampanja po bëhet natyrisht më e ëmbël.

"We have so much sun and so much sugar in the grapes that no more sugar needs to be added," said Sarazin, the producer.