
Over 6,000 harmful substances are released from cigarette smoke/ Expert: Smokeless products, a less harmful form of nicotine consumption

Over 6,000 harmful substances are released from cigarette smoke/ Expert:

Smoking is a global problem that affects about a billion smokers, but also a large number of non-smokers who are close to them.

All relevant data show that cigarette smoking is one of the main risk factors for the development of diseases related to mortality in developed countries, namely cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Quitting cigarettes completely is the best option, but despite the awareness of the harmful impact that this bad habit has on the health of smokers and the environment around them, a large number of people still do not quit smoking for various reasons.

The concept of harm reduction from tobacco use has emerged as an approach that can help reduce the harmful effects of cigarette use and is compatible with public health promotion activities. The concept is the result of a pragmatic and rational approach, based on the logic that if a phenomenon like smoking addiction cannot be prevented because individuals do not quit smoking, then it is necessary to look for alternative solutions that will reduce the negative effects.

Given the fact that quitting smoking is very difficult despite rising prices and other restrictive measures, many countries are turning to a tobacco harm reduction strategy. The application of the concept of tobacco harm reduction is gaining more and more support from health experts as an intermediate solution, precisely in cases where complete elimination is not possible.

This is the opinion of Alexandra Gjordjieva, intern at the cardiology clinic in Skopje and president of the "Association of Doctors", who believes that those smokers who cannot or do not want to quit should have accurate information about alternatives, and based with that information, they can more easily make the decision to switch to a less harmful form of nicotine consumption.

“Për ata duhanpirës që nuk mund ta lënë plotësisht zakonin e pirjes së duhanit dhe që kanë një përvojë shumë të gjatë duhanpirëse, ekziston koncepti i reduktimit të dëmit. Kur flasim konkretisht për pirjen e cigares, kjo nënkupton njëfarë zëvendësimi të dhënies së nikotinës, e cila në fakt shkakton varësinë.

Në SHBA tashmë ka produkte të tilla pa tym, të cilat e ngrohin duhanin në vend që ta djegin atë. Pajisjet ngrohëse bazohen në teknologjinë e ngrohjes së kontrolluar dhe nuk krijojnë tym dhe katran, por aerosol, i cili ndryshe nga tymi i cigares, përmban dukeshëm nivele më të ulëta të substancave të dëmshme”, tha Gjordjieva.

Sipas saj, nikotina krijon varësi, por nuk është shkaktari kryesor i sëmundjeve të lidhura me duhanin.

"The similarity between these smokeless products and cigarettes is that most of them contain nicotine, which is not without danger and is the main reason people smoke. But on the other hand, nicotine is not the main cause of smoking-related diseases. tobacco. In fact, many accompanying substances found in cigarette smoke are responsible for the development of many diseases. There are over six thousand substances released from cigarette smoke that have a harmful effect, unlike smokeless products where the combustion process is completely eliminated," she added.

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