Protests escalate in Macedonia against the French proposal that paves the way for EU membership negotiations
On the fourth day of protests with the motto "Ultimatum? No, thank you", against the French proposal through which it is intended to overcome the differences between Skopje and Sofia, the Macedonian protesters broke the windows of the Foreign Ministry and attacked the police.
11 protesters arrested and 47 police officers injured is the epilogue of the protest, which escalated after a masked group of protesters started throwing stones, strong pyrotechnic objects and eggs at the building.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that 47 police officers were injured, 11 of them seriously, while two with more serious injuries. There is damage to the buildings of the Government, the Assembly and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The protest, which started in front of the government building, then continued to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the protesters threw pyrotechnics and hard objects, breaking the front windows of the Ministry.
The protesters have demanded the resignation of the Macedonian Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovacevski and the Foreign Minister, Bujar Osman. In the protestors' banners, the name of Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani was deformed to Bugar Osmani.
The police managed to disperse the protesters in front of the Assembly around 22:00, bringing the situation under control.
Protestuesit kërkojnë që autoritetet e qeverisë në Maqedoninë e Veriut të refuzojnë propozimin e Bashkimit Europian, të njohur si propozim francez, për fillimin e negociatave për anëtarësim. Sipas tyre, propozimi francez bën “bullgarizimin” e Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe nuk e njeh gjuhën e as historinë maqedonase.
Kovaçevski: E patolerueshme të protestohet me maska
Kryeministri i Maqedonisë së Veriut, Dimitar Kovaçevski ka thënë se protestat e dhunshme nuk i kanë hije një vendi anëtar të NATO-s dhe një vendi që pretendon anëtarësimin në Bashkimin Evropian.
“Po, protestojnë njerëz që mbajnë maska të cilët godasin policinë. Kemi policë të lënduar. Mbrëmë e patë se policia u tërhoq. Këtu bisedohet për propozim të ofruar nga Bashkimi Europian” ka deklaruar kryeministri i Maqedonisë së Veriut Dimitar Kovaçevski.
Through the French proposal, which arrived in North Macedonia on June 30, it is intended to overcome the differences between Skopje and Sofia on the issue of language and historical past, thereby unlocking the integration process.
For two years, Bulgaria, through its veto, has blocked the beginning of negotiations for the membership of North Macedonia, hindering Albania in the process of integration into the European Union.