
With the weight of a strawberry, the power of the galaxy, Majlinda Bregu reminds us of the danger from the Internet and cybercrime

With the weight of a strawberry, the power of the galaxy, Majlinda Bregu reminds

In a short video, but with compressed information, Majlinda Bregu draws our attention to the danger posed by cybercrime.

We also live online. "5.2 billion people in the world use the Internet for more than 2 and a half hours a day," says Majlinda Bregu, who adds that the world is affected by about 800,000 attacks a year.

Being at the head of the Regional Cooperation Council, Bregu also speaks in numbers for our region, the Western Balkans. A meeting on this topic was also held today in Tirana.

"41% of people in BP are concerned that they can be threatened by social media", says Majlinda Bregu. And this is an added stress to those of everyday life.

The Internet, with the weight of a strawberry, but with the power of the galaxy, can attack people, organizations, countries. This is just the essence of a video not to be missed!