In a reaction on Twitter, Prime Minister Edi Rama explained his statement yesterday to KFOR, where he told journalists that he should take control of the North of Kosovo, a statement which was not well received in Pristina, with Prime Minister Albin Kurti answered that silence is the best help that the Albanian prime minister can give.
Rama responds to criticism in Pristina: In the framework of Albania's support for guaranteeing security in the north of Kosovo and taking control from KFOR, at this stage when the risk of escalation of the conflict is alarming, we communicated at the highest levels of the Euro-Atlantic alliance and found a maximum readiness. On the other hand, we have conveyed to the allies the reasons for our non-alignment with the latest EU statement, continuing to request their public position, regarding the armed criminal group that killed the Kosovo police officer and regarding the national mourning in Belgrade. To those in Pristina who, instead of focusing 100% on the extraordinary challenge they have, find time to inflate the conspiracy balloon of the "brother of Vuqiqi" on Facebook, through political profiles or fake profiles.
As for his statement that KFOR should take control of the North of Kosovo, the Prime Minister says that:
1. KFOR is NATO and not an occupying force on account of Serbia, nor a dividing power of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, but on the contrary a very big guarantee in any case of threat!
2. I clearly said yesterday that this request was also made by President Osmani and I further explained that what I am asking for today has nothing to do with what I expressed a few months ago, as a fear that it could happen if the situation degrades, in lack of dialog results. Because, as I explained yesterday, "we are not there yet" and in order not to get there tomorrow, KFOR must take control of the north an hour earlier.
3. E di çdokush të vërtetën e thjeshtë fare se në çdo rast dhe për çfarëdo nevoje të re operacionale në territorin e Kosovës, KFOR-i i harmonizon veprimet e veta me autoritetet shtetërore të Kosovës e me forcat e sigurisë së Republikës së Kosovës, prandaj është sa e dhimbshme, aq edhe qesharake, që edhe në këtë situatë kaq serioze për sigurinë në veriun e Kosovës, politikanë me profile publike apo me profile fallco në Prishtinë merren me të tilla manipulime të ulëta emocionesh të qytetarëve të tyre, duke deformuar qëllimisht qëndrimet e mia. Keqardhje për ta, se për trimat e biznesit politik e mediatik të Tiranës, që janë gati t’ia venë zjarrin vetë Kosovës, bashkë me Shqipërinë për përmbysjen imagjinare të “regjimit” tim, nuk kam asnjë sekondë për të humbur!
Statusi i Kryeministrit në qershor
A few months ago on Twitter, Rama reacted to the kidnapping of three Kosovo policemen by Serbian forces and called on both sides to de-escalate the situation in the North.
Rama also commented that if the situation did not normalize and KFOR came into play, then Kosovo would lose control for who knows how long in the North of Kosovo.