Gazment Bardhi: We will continue the action in the Assembly! We do not vote for the amnesty and the immigration agreement

The head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party, Gazment Bardhi, in a statement to the media, has stated that the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the agreement with Italy for immigrants is national betrayal.
Bardhi has confirmed that the action of the opposition in Parliament will continue.
"Expressing the deep regret that the CJK did not rise to the height of the public interest, to seek an independent opinion, the ECHR wants to consider this an act of national treason and expresses regret for each of them from the member who has sworn on the constitution to respect it, from the day that decision was issued, Vali Bizhga was transformed into GJK. On behalf of the group, PD expresses its concern about an attempt by the majority to set up a parliamentary audit subcommittee that aims to take control of the KLSH. Amnesty has become a non-transparent act. No member of the DP group has voted for amnesty during the discussion in the Laws Committee and the group's decision is that the action will continue in the parliament and without meeting the constitutional demands of the opposition members, there will be no normalcy in the assembly".