
Don't dress thick, a jacket is enough today

Don't dress thick, a jacket is enough today

The passage of a warm atmospheric front from the Mediterranean towards the Balkan peninsula, will bring to the Albanian territory a change in the thermal picture as well as rainfall, where the most pronounced rainfall will appear in the evening and at night, causing from time to time be torrential and in the form of a coercion.

Meanwhile, during the morning there will be intervals with clear skies. This unstable atmospheric situation will accompany us until Thursday morning.

Air temperatures will increase by 2-3 degrees in the morning, but increase significantly in the afternoon, fluctuating daily values ​​from 2 °C minimum to 26 °C maximum.

The wind will blow strong both on land and at sea at a speed of over 70 km/h from the permanent South direction, generating waves of 6 waves on the sea coast.