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Berlusconi's false heir is arrested in Colombia! He was looking for yachts, villas and 26 million euros

Berlusconi's false heir is arrested in Colombia! He was looking for yachts,
Marco Di Nunzio, an entrepreneur from Turin, was arrested in Colombia for forging Silvio Berlusconi's will.

Prosecutors in Milan have closed the investigation by taking the 55-year-old man to trial, who is accused of forging a will and blackmailing Cavalier's children.

Di Nunzio claimed to be the heir to 2% of Fininvest. He published a will that he claimed was drawn up before a notary in Cartagena, where Berlusconi would have given him 26 million euros, a yacht, villas in Antigua and 2% of Fininvest.

The investigation showed that the 55-year-old would have created three different fake holographic wills, signed on September 21, 2021.

Last October, Di Nunzio allegedly leaked mysterious documents to Berlusconi and filed a lawsuit to claim the inheritance if the heirs did not provide him with a "settlement" sum. This is where the accusation of attempted extortion comes from.