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Long ago, Steve Jobs said that only one thing is more important than technology

Long ago, Steve Jobs said that only one thing is more important than technology

For a man like Steve Jobs it was a remarkable statement, and it's one we can all apply to our lives.

Steve Jobs lent a hand in creating popular products that changed entire industries. (Smartphones, music).

But while he believed in his ideas and the power of technology, Jobs believed even more strongly in harnessing ideas, creativity and the power of people.

Here's what he said in an interview for "Inc" in 1989:

"I think humans are essentially tool builders, and the computer is the most remarkable tool we've ever built. The great difficulty many of us had in the 1970s was the importance of putting this tool in the hands of individuals.

Let's say that – for the same amount of money that builds the most powerful computer in the world – you could make 1,000 computers with one-thousandth of the power, and put them in the hands of 1,000 creative people.

You will get more out of doing this than having just one person running the most powerful computer in the world. Because humans are inherently creative. They use tools in ways that the creators of those tools never thought possible. And once a person figures out how to do something with that tool, he or she can share it with 999 others.

For every improvement we can make in the tools we give people, we can improve the bottom line even more because of it."

Jobs was famous for his "I don't tell him or I leave" approach. And yet, he believed in the power of harnessing the creativity, problem-solving ability, and intelligence of as many people as possible.

Which you can do too.

Don't think you have all the answers. Harness the power of the people around you.

Don't know how?

Ask him. After all, Jobs also said that "asking for help separates those who achieve things from those who only dream".

Most will be happy to help. Everyone wants to feel valued and respected, and asking people for their opinion is a great way to show that you value and respect them.

Originally published on