A return to Angela Merkel, the woman who quietly imposed herself on the world turns 70 today

'Aussenseiter' is one of those German words that doesn't translate well and contains universes of different nuances. "Aussenseiter" is the excluded, the lonely, but also the one who knows that he is different from others, who thinks outside the box. When we talk about Angela Merkel, who turns 70 today, the word "Aussenseiter" is one of the most used by the German press.
She, a woman, Protestant, divorced who prefers a low public profile, deliberately subdued, almost modest and whose historic speeches are not remembered, but who nevertheless imposes her style in a political world dominated by the rules of communication , so much so that her way of holding hands in the shape of a diamond, 'Raute' in German, became a symbol used in election posters.
Over the years, she has also earned the nickname 'Mutti', which means midwife, a kind of appreciation from Germans in general, that is, among voters of other historic parties.
"Unterschätzt", "underestimated", is another word often associated with Merkel. She was underestimated by many of her party mates. Its political path is unique, also determined by historical events. She entered politics late: after growing up in the GDR, she became interested in politics at the age of 35, in 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. She joined the Democratic Awakening party, affiliated with the CDU, and was noticed by Helmut Kohl, who appointed her Minister for Women and Youth. In the political balance for Kohl, she is a double winning card: woman and from the East. Shortly after that she became the Minister of the Environment and then the General Secretary of the CDU.
When Kohl was engulfed in a funding scandal in 1999, none of the party's young lions dared ask him to step back. It was Merkel who, without consulting anyone, wrote an open letter to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to declare that the Kohl era was over. A bet that gave him the respect of the party base and brought him to the head of the CDU. Many in her party saw her as a transitional figure. And yet she resisted and in 2005 became chancellor.
'Pragmatisch', pragmatic and 'unideologisch', non-ideological. In the management of power, Merkel would always be prudent. Even during her first term as chancellor, the word 'Merkeln' was coined, merkelare: to remain passive in the face of great challenges. This word officially entered the dictionary as a neologism in 2010. Even today, many delays in the development of German are blamed on its procrastination.
Civil unions, the ban on nuclear power, the end of military service, policies away from the CDU, Merkel made her own. Only in 2015 did she take a clear stand, when she opened Germany's doors to a million refugees fleeing the war in Syria. "Wir schaffen das", "We will make it", she said in a press conference that has become famous. As the first chancellor to come from the East, she didn't want to be the one to put up walls.
In the end he led 4 governments, 3 together with the SPD and one with the liberals, governing for 16 years and 16 days. Merkel is the second longest serving chancellor in the history of the German Republic. Just 10 days less than her mentor Helmut Kohl. Today she lives in her home in Berlin, a few steps away from the Pergamon museum, together with her second husband Joachim Sauer. Meanwhile, she is writing her memoirs, which will be published in November of this year. Meanwhile, a TV series is broadcast on television in which she is imagined solving criminal cases, like a German detective.