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The British are saying goodbye to coins

The British are saying goodbye to coins

The English have always had an emotionally complicated relationship with coins. They maintained - until February 15, 1971, the imperial system based on factions that today seem comical even to themselves.

The highest value coin was the half-crown and it took eight of them to make a pound. The shilling, called a bob, was worth one twentieth of a pound, or 12 pence.

The pound for the British is as untouchable as the monarchy, yet they have not stopped the technological revolution.

Unsentimental Treasury officials ordered the Royal Mint for the first time not to mint new coins for general circulation, casting doubt on the future of lower-denomination coins (the Royal Mint does not plan to order the 1 and 2 pence coins in forthcoming, according to the Evening Standard).

A smaller issuance of banknotes has also been called for which means everything is going digital. And here a social problem arises for the layers that are not yet very familiar with online payments.