
Protests continue in the North of Kosovo. The two conditions of the Serbian List to enter the elections

Protests continue in the North of Kosovo. The two conditions of the Serbian List

Lista Serbe, the largest party of Serbs in Kosovo, will participate in the elections if two conditions are met: the special forces of the Kosovo Police are withdrawn from the north of Kosovo and the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority is formed.

Lista Serbe boycotted the local elections in Mitrovica, Zveçan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

Today he does not know the elected presidents.

For days, until today, the protests continue in the North of Kosovo. The newly elected mayors were not allowed to enter the municipalities.

Representatives of the USA and the EU for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajçak, are expected to visit Pristina and Belgrade today and tomorrow.