The EP condemns the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska, the resolution on Kosovo is approved

The European Parliament (EP) has strongly condemned the attack on the police in Banjska in Zveçan on September 24, calling it a terrorist attack and has demanded responsibility from Serbia if Belgrade's direct connection to this event is proven. These are included in the resolution on the developments in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and the developments in the north of Kosovo.
The text of this resolution, put to the vote in the plenary session on October 19, was compiled taking into account several proposals of political groups in the EP.
The text of the resolution mentions the circumstances that have influenced the increase in tensions in the north of Kosovo, from the removal of Serbs from the institutions last November, the boycott of the April local elections in the north, and the setting up of barricades and attacks on KFOR soldiers. and journalists at the end of May and the last attack in Banjka.
In the text of the resolution, the attack on the Kosovo Police in Banjska is described as a "terrorist attack", while Serbia is criticized for several actions such as the clear lack of distance from the attack, the glorification of the members of the armed group of Serbs who carried out the attack and the declaration of a day of mourning in Serbia for the three attackers killed.
"We condemn in the strongest possible way the cowardly terrorist attack against members of the Kosovo Police by the well-organized Serbian paramilitaries in Banjska, in the north of Kosovo", says the text of the resolution, in which an invitation is issued to all countries members of the European Union who have not yet condemned this attack, to do so.
Through the EP resolution, Kosovo and Serbia are called upon to act to reduce tensions, to refrain from rhetoric or actions that could increase tensions, and to act in clarifying all the facts related to the attack in Banjska.
"We invite the EU to support the investigations by the Kosovo authorities, including the support of [the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo] EULEX, underlining the importance of holding the perpetrators of these attacks accountable and face justice without delay. The authorities of Kosovo are invited to present all the evidence related to the incident, Serbia is requested to fully cooperate with the investigations and bring to justice the persons responsible who are in Serbia, in accordance with the law, including extradition to Kosovo", the text says. of the resolution voted by the European deputies.
The text of the resolution also invites the European Commission and the Council to take measures against the Government of Serbia if the investigations testify to a direct link between the State of Serbia and the attack in Banjska, or if the Serbian authorities will not show a will for full cooperation. in the investigation process.
"The Council is invited to approve targeted restrictive measures, including, but not limited to, asset freezes and travel bans for destabilizing actors in the north of Kosovo and leaders of the main organized crime networks. In this context, we invite the Council to follow the example of the United States for the establishment of targeted measures against Millan Radoicic", the resolution states.