The first hours of the morning are quiet in the North of Kosovo
According to the Kosovo Police, the situation in the north of Kosovo, in the municipalities of Zveçan, Leposaviq and Zubin Potok, this Tuesday morning is calm.
The Serbs of these areas have warned since yesterday that their protests will continue. Yes, the early hours of this morning have been quiet.
"We do not have any recorded incident. The police are performing their duties according to the commitments they have", Veton Elshani from the Kosovo Police told the media.
Police forces are concentrated in the three municipal buildings with the newly elected mayors.
Yesterday, Serbian protesters attacked KFOR forces in Zveçan.
As a result, 25 KFOR members were injured. Several protesters have also suffered injuries.
How was the conflict rekindled?
After the resignation of the leaders from Lista Serbe last November, the largest Serbian party in Kosovo did not participate in the elections. Serbian citizens boycotted the voting process. The winners were the candidates from Kosovo. Already, Serbian protesters have risen to protests as they do not allow the newly elected presidents to enter their offices to continue their work and exercise their mandate.