
Kurti and Vucic meet on May 2 in Brussels, the first after the reconciliation in Ohrid

Kurti and Vucic meet on May 2 in Brussels, the first after the reconciliation in

The European Union said on Friday that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, have confirmed their participation in the next meeting in Brussels as part of talks on the implementation of an agreement supported by the West to normalize relations between the two countries. .

The meeting that is expected to be held in the evening hours is the first of a high political level after the agreement in Ohrid on the way to implement the agreement that was reached on February 27 in Brussels.

"They are expected to approve the statement on missing persons as the first item on the agenda and this will be followed by the presentation and discussions about the first framework of the statute for the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority. After these two topics, it will be seen whether other issues of political importance can be discussed", said the spokesperson of the European Commission, Peter Stano.

Western diplomats expect the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to achieve progress in the implementation of the agreement during the meeting on May 2.

The adviser of the US Department of State, Derek Chollet, wrote after a telephone conversation with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, that he expects a constructive meeting and progress in the dialogue, especially for the formation of the Association.

The management team for the drafting of the charter of the association, which consists of four members of the Serbian community, including a member of the Serbian parliament, has already begun work on the drafting of the statute that is expected to be presented at the negotiating table.

The Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, wrote that according to a 2020 decision, it is foreseen that the Management Team will coordinate with his ministry and report to it. But this team, he said, has not responded to an invitation for a meeting.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, said that non-reporting by the management team is an irresponsible approach to the country's institutions.

“Unë nuk pres ndonjë gjë të mirë nga një kryesuese e këtij Ekipi menaxhues e cila është deputete e Aleksandar Vuçiçit dhe deputetja e Aleksandar Vuçiçit nuk mundet me shkrujt pjesë të rregullimit institucional të Republikës së Kosovës, kjo është ABC e interesit tonë publik dhe shtetëror”, tha ai.

Zoti Konjufca tha se Ekipi menaxhues duhet të përbëhet nga njerëz të Kosovës që nuk e përfaqësojnë në asnjë mënyrë interesin e Serbisë. Ai tha se Kosova nuk do të pranojë asgjë nga ky ekip që është në shpërputhje me Kushtetutën e Kosovës.

“Ata e kanë nënshkruar edhe me 2015 marrëveshjen për Asociacionin por më e lartë është Kushtetuta jonë, më e lartë është Gjykata jonë Kushtetuese e cila e ka rrëzuar atë poshtë. Kështu që nëse nisemi nga ky princip, nëse e mbajmë këtë drejtim edhe mundësia e Ekipit menaxhues edhe e (Aleksandar) Vuçiçit për të dëmtuar Kosovën nëse ne i mbajmë interesat tona, nëse ne nuk bëjmë kompromis me kushtetutën tonë, hapësira e tyre është faktikisht fiktive për t’i bërë dëm Kosovës”, tha zoti Konjufca.

Udhëheqësit e Serbisë dhe të serbëve lokal në veriun e Kosovës thonë se kusht për kthimin e serbëve në institucionet e Kosovës është themelimi i Asociacionit të komunave me shumicë serbe dhe me 23 prill bojkotuan zgjedhjet e organizuara nga autoritetet e Kosovës në veriun e banuar më shumicë serbe.

The Assembly of North Mitrovica, where the representatives of the Albanian community are the majority after the departure of the Serbian representatives from the institutions of Kosovo, today approved a request to open the main bridge over the river Ibër, which also marks the dividing line with the municipality of Mitrovica, for the free movement of cars. South.

This request provoked the reaction of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who said that the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, with this request wants to remove the Serbs from Kosovo, and that he wants conflicts at all costs.

The main bridge over the Ibër River, since the post-war period, has divided the South Mitrovica, inhabited by Albanians, and the North, inhabited by Serbs, while it still remains closed to car traffic. Its opening was part of the agreement reached in 2015 between Kosovo and Serbia, but it has never been implemented.