The CEC announces the results for yesterday's elections in the North of Kosovo

Yesterday, Sunday, citizens voted in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo for new mayors.
The Vetëvendosje movement and the Democratic Party of Kosovo, according to the preliminary results, have won from two municipalities.
In North Mitrovica
Erden Atiç won 66.5 percent of the votes, or 519 votes in total. Lulzim Hetemi from the ranks of the VV won the race for Leposavic's mayor with 100 votes, or 73.5 percent.
In Zubin Potok
Izmir Zeqiri from the Democratic Party of Kosovo received 52.1 percent of the votes or 196 votes.
In Zveçan
Ilir Peci also from the Democratic Party of Kosovo won 60 percent of the votes or 114 votes.
The independent candidate in this municipality, Slagjana Pantović – who was the only Serbian candidate – won five votes, or 2.6 percent.
Out of ten candidates for the positions of mayors, only one is from the ranks of the Serbian community. This is because Lista Serbe and other smaller parties from the ranks of this community boycotted the elections at the request of Serbia.